Rec Centers

  1. How to Choose Your TRUBLUE Auto Belay

    How to Choose Your TRUBLUE Auto Belay

    We engineer and manufacture three different models of auto belays for climbing facilities to choose from: the TRUBLUE iQ, the TRUBLUE iQ+, and the TRUBLUE SPEED. All three TRUBLUEs come with our patented magnetic braking technology and are certified for a user weight between 22 – 309 pounds.

  2. Climbing on Auto Belay: What You Need to Know

    Climbing on Auto Belay: What You Need to Know

    Answering the most pressing questions about proper auto belay usage and how to maximize safety across a variety of climbing facilities.

  3. The Role of Auto Belays in Self-Care

    The Role of Auto Belays in Self-Care

    Even for an expert climber and adventurer like Sara Aranda, stepping into a climbing gym can be an intimidating experience. In her recent article, she reflects on the role that auto belays play in creating a more diverse, inclusive, and accessible climbing community.

  4. Campus Rec Centers Can Bring New Training Opportunities to Collegiate Climbers with Auto Belays

    Campus Rec Centers Can Bring New Training Opportunities to Collegiate Climbers with Auto Belays

    Campus rec centers looking to invest more into new training opportunities for collegiate climbers can do so with the addition of auto belays on the climbing wall.

  5. Why Your Campus Rec Center Needs a Climbing Wall (With Auto Belays)

    Why Your Campus Rec Center Needs a Climbing Wall (With Auto Belays)

    Campus rec centers worldwide can attest to the benefits that come with hosting a climbing wall. However, the most significant value comes from a climbing wall with auto belays. Learn why in this blog.

  6. TRUBLUE Recommends Offering These 8 Programs at Your Campus Climbing Wall

    TRUBLUE Recommends Offering These 8 Programs at Your Campus Climbing Wall

    Campus rec centers looking to attract more members of the climbing community to their climbing wall can do so in more ways than one. For example, auto belays are a beneficial addition to getting more climbers on the wall practicing techniques that build confidence in the gym and outside. Auto belays

  7. Campus Rec Centers Love TRUBLUE Auto Belays (and Here’s Why)

    Campus Rec Centers Love TRUBLUE Auto Belays (and Here’s Why)

    Auto belays are the product of choice for many campus rec centers all over the nation that want to bring more students to their climbing walls. These tools proactively attract new climbers and open up a big door for seasoned climbers to enhance their skills and become more confident, intelligent

  8. Campus Rec Centers Can Improve an Old Climbing Wall Using These 3 Simple Steps

    Campus Rec Centers Can Improve an Old Climbing Wall Using These 3 Simple Steps

    A  climbing wall has the potential to bring value to any campus rec center that wants to extend its communal support to those who enjoy the sport of climbing. As the popularity of climbing grows across the nation, facilities hosting climbing walls should take advantage of the era by providing better

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