
  1. What is No Delay Belay?

    What is No Delay Belay?

    Auto belay downtime isn’t good for anyone. We designed our all-inclusive No Delay Belay program specifically to address this problem. Find out how it works.

  2. The Importance of Annual Service for Your Head Rush Devices

    The Importance of Annual Service for Your Head Rush Devices

    From minimizing risk to maximizing performance, learn how you can get the most out of your Head Rush devices by servicing them on an annual basis.

  3. Zip Line Pulley and Trolley Inspection

    Zip Line Pulley and Trolley Inspection

    All Head Rush Technologies’ zip line rider trolleys and redirection pulleys are built for maximum durability and minimal maintenance, and regular inspection is a critical step to ensure users get the maximum benefit of these products.

  4. How to Clean Auto Belays

    How to Clean Auto Belays

    Learn how to disinfect and clean your magnetic braking devices, like the TRUBLUE Auto Belay.

  5. How To Field Replace Your TRUBLUE Webbing

    How To Field Replace Your TRUBLUE Webbing

    In this video we’ll show you the quick and easy way to change the webbing on your TRUBLUE without even having to take it off the wall.

  6. Proper Device Orientation to Extend Webbing Lifespan

    Proper Device Orientation to Extend Webbing Lifespan

    These simple installation tips and instructions for your Head Rush Device can drastically increase the lifespan of your nylon and dyneema webbings.

  7. Annual Service: What It Is & How to Speed It Up

    Annual Service: What It Is & How to Speed It Up

    Get the inside scoop on what happens during recertification of Head Rush devices and how you can speed up the process of your device’s recertification.

  8. 3 Reasons Why Annual Service for Your Device is Essential

    3 Reasons Why Annual Service for Your Device is Essential

    We check our belay partners, so we should also check our auto belay partners. Annual service is the essential partner check for TRUBLUE Auto Belays.

  9. How to Extend the Life of Your Webbing

    How to Extend the Life of Your Webbing

    Get the most out of your investment by following these best practices that decrease your unit’s webbing wear. Download the white paper now to get started.

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