Head Rush Technologies: Most Tested. Most Trusted. Most TRU.

Head Rush Technologies: Most Tested. Most Trusted. Most TRU.

Most Tested

With a billion uses annually, Head Rush devices are tested in the field millions of times every day. That’s right, over two million safe descents and zip line brakes every single day. With a 10 year track record of and the highest level of third party certification, owners, operators, and users can rest at ease that they have the most tested auto belay, free fall device, or zip line brake. Let’s dive a little deeper and see what a device goes through before it’s ever installed at a facility.

Since first released over a decade ago, TRUBLUE has been third party tested and certified to relevant standards for the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Australia/New Zealand. Since standards constantly evolve and are updated, in 2019 TRUBLUE went through its most strenuous testing yet, and came out on top with updated certification to both EN 341 and EN 360. All descender devices that are CE Certified (that is, meeting EN Standards, which are seen on everything from microwaves to phones to climbing gear) must go through third party testing in a lab situation. Recently the QuickFlight followed in the footsteps of its older brother and completed the same rigorous third party testing.

According to EN 341, based on the ability of the descender to function properly after multiple loadings, the device will get a letter grade from A to D. Just like in school, all of these “grades” pass – but a class D device is meant for one use only, and the descent tests go up exponentially as we approach class A. TRUBLUE and QuickFlight are not only tested to class A, but 10 times the descents needed for a standard class A test. And after all this testing, it just kept going – that’s the magic of magnets. Oh yeah, did we mention that these tests are also performed in all sorts of nasty conditions? Hot, cold, wet, dry – it doesn’t matter.

EN 360 testing Head Rush products focuses on the unique ability to safely arrest a dynamic load. Many belay systems are not meant, and cannot handle, dynamic loading. This means if a climber outpaces webbing retraction, jumps up while ascending an element, or pulls out a little accidentally just before falling and loading the device, TRUBLUE will be just fine. And more importantly so will the user. In fact QuickFlights are designed to encourage freefall (dynamic loading) for fun! EN360 Certifications means these devices will limit the forces on the climber as it stops their fall and begins to lower them, and the braking system will be undamaged and ready to keep working. Magnets make this possible, friction or hydraulic systems just don’t measure up.

Finally, every component – from bolts to gears to webbing and everything in between – is inspected for quality right in Boulder, Colorado, before being used in a device. Once all the pieces are put together and have gone through multiple quality control checks along the way, every device is put in a simulator and tested for real-world performance multiple times before being packaged and shipped.

Most Trusted

Head Rush has almost 40,000 devices in over 60 countries around the world used by millions of happy customers every day. With massive market share in every sector from climbing gyms to FECs, camps to colleges, zip lines to adventure parks, it’s safe to say that Head Rush products are the Most Trusted in the world. Here are a few examples:

The Biggest Zip Lines in the World
From artic climates to tropical islands Head Rush braking technology is trusted. Longest ziplines in the world: Check! Some of the longest, fastest zip lines in the world use the Head Rush zipSTOP Zip Line Brake. Leveraging the same braking technology as the TRUBLUE, when riders absolutely have to stop at the end of an adrenaline filled zip, owners trust zipSTOP.

The Highest Traffic Climbing Facilities
When maximum climbing and minimum staff are needed to make a successful business, owners trust TRUBLUE. TRUBLUE is used by the largest, most successful climbing wall and fun climb builders in the world. These companies would not risk their businesses on an inferior product, so when you choose to trust TRUBLUE, know you’re joining a group of the best facilities in the world.

The Most Extreme Adventure Facilities
There are few experiences in the world available to the average adventure connoisseur that rival a freefall on the QuickFlight or FlightLine. Uniquely able to allow a wide range of participants a true freefall of over 30 feet, the Head Rush Flight Family maximizes the ground proximity awareness and provides an incredibly comfortable catch. From mild to wild, the top adventure facilities around the world trust QuickFlight and FlightLine to provide a unique and unforgettable experience.

Every time you get a Head Rush product, know that it is hand built in Boulder, CO and every device is stringently tested before it ever gets to an end user. That’s a product you can trust with your business and your life.

Every time you get a TRUBLUE, know that it is hand built in Boulder, CO and every device is tested multiple times before it ever gets to an end user. That’s a product you can trust with your business and your life.

Most TRU

Some people say the only sure things in life are birth, death, and taxes – at Head Rush we’d like to add one: Our devices function reliable and consistently. The laws of physics mandate that. Relying on mechanical components to lessen the braking force, not create it, Head Rush device brake cores fail to a safe, full braking position. When other systems relying on friction or hydraulic pressures change with varied conditions, and can provide less or more force than desired, Head Rush relies on the power of magnets for a TRU experience every single time. Resistance without friction – that’s the magic of magnets! We all know magnets don’t care if it’s hot, cold, wet, or dry – they just work. And since there is no contact in the brake core, it doesn’t wear out. Not even after a billion descents a year.

Braking is created through eddy currents, which is basically the creation of opposing magnetic fields by moving parts. What does this mean for users? As long as webbing is coming out of the device, TRUBLUE’s self-regulating brake core is working to create a smooth, consistent descent for everyone.

Head Rush products’ braking technology will be there for you, as long as the laws of physics remain unbroken. That’s a product you can count on.

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The Most Advanced Auto Belay in the world

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